Well, I am back giving this blogging thing another go after more than a year. This time I might actually publish it. Actually from the time of my first posts in March 2008 'til now, I have been too busy to even think about getting back to trying to figure this out.
Busy doing what you ask - moving, renovating, building a studio and showroom, making pots to put in the showroom, opening the showroom, trying to figure out that marketing thing, making more pots, still trying to figure out that marketing thing AND as always, making more pots. But did I mention - making more pots is my favourite part.
This blogging thing is a dilemma. On one hand I think - who the heck cares what I am doing in my life (I'm not a fan of continuous Facebook Status Updates ...... boring!) but on the other hand, I do have to figure out this marketing thing and apparently blogging is a marketing good thing. I also tell myself, those who read this, will do so by choice. THANKS, I appreciate your support. So let's get on with it and see how it goes ..........
Oh and btw - I also have a website for my studio and showroom
Down to Earth Clayworks - check it out!